Monday 29 April 2013

ABAP Language Introduction

ABAP stands for Advanced Business Application Programming. It is a programming language developed by SAP.
ABAP language syntax
  • ABAP is not case sensitive.
  • Every statement begins with a keyword and ends with a period.( WRITE is the keyword to print on screen )
    WRITE 'Hello World!'.
  • Chained statements.If consecutive statements have identical part at the beginning, then ABAP allows you to chain these statements into a single statement. First write the identical part once and then place a colon (:). Then write the remaining parts of the individual statements separated by commas.Normal Statements:
    WRITE 'Hello'.
    Chained Statement:
    WRITE: 'Hello', 'ABAP'.

They are two types of comments in abap 
1. full line comments ( are  specified by * at first column in a row).
2.inline comments  ( are  specified by " after . or , at the  end of any statement).
used for: documentation of the  program within the  program.
          1. easy understanding of entire program ,
          2.future enhancements( or) modifications  can be easily done.
  • If you want to make the entire line as comment, then enter asterisk (*) at the beginning of the line.
    * This is a comment line 
    If you want to make a part of the line as comment, then enter double quote (“) before the comment.
    WRITE 'COMMENT'.   "Start of comment

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